
Neets in Action: Project

As youth unemployment is a problem at national and European level, the project has the goal to engage young people who are NEET in order to promote youth employment and prevent the social exclusion of young people.

Possible approaches include upgrading their employability skills, addressing skills mismatches and increasing their work experiences in their local communities.

By involving local partners in the career guidance of young people who are NEET the project wants to re-engage young people from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, while focusing on areas with particular low levels of educational achievement and employment.

The most relevant topics addressed by the project are social inclusion, entrepreneurial learning and labour market issues.

Expected results of the project are that participants learn important social and entrepreneurial as well as soft and life skills.

Project phases: preparation, implementation, follow up, dissemination, closure.

Neets in Action: Project Partners

The 8 partners from 5 different countries form a solid partnership as some of them have already worked together for many years. In this project, the mix of partners ensures a variety of organisational profiles and experiences.

Important are the coordination and communication and the sharing of experiences and good practices.

Each partner will help to achieve the sustainability of the developed model in the future because it will take further measures to reduce youth unemployment at European level.

CECOA is the project manager and coordinator.

UCP, Tavistock, ISOB and TESE are partners with long-standing experience in research, conception and design of intervention models.

CECOA, FRonsel and CPV are training providers while FRonsel is also focused on the promotion of youth regional employment.

Neets in Action: Participants


The project is focused on young people who are NEET who are facing several barriers to employment which makes their social participation more difficult. All strategies foreseen in the project are designed with the goal to support this target group and to engage them in the project. NEETs will be directly involved in multiplier events like the focus groups and will further be involved in the impact evaluation and dissemination events.


Professionals will be directly involved in multiplier events such as meetings with the network of community stakeholders, the national seminars and the European Conference. The model developed as part of the project will aim to work at a cognitive, behavioural and job-specific level.

At a cognitive level it aims to give support and guidance, involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking.

At the behavioural level it will develop key competences in order to increase, for example, their emotional stability and decision making abilities.

At the job-specific level it will focus on promoting contacts with the world of work among participants